Sunday, September 20, 2015

Are your skills sufficient for the jobs you’re pursuing?

One of the biggest obstacles employers are facing today is not a lack of job requisitions, but a lack of sufficiently skilled candidates to meet job requirements. The result: Many jobs go unfilled.

As someone who has worked in the recruiting and staffing industry for more than 25 years, I can attest to this conundrum. Why is this? I would submit to you there are four primary reasons candidates are not measuring up to employer mandates:
a)      Lack of education and training
b)       Skills not up-to-date with advancements
c)       Poor written and verbal communication skills
d)      Knowledge is limited to one area 
Are these reasons limiting your job prospects? Did you know BMS, IT staffing and outsourcing company is offering training and professional development to their employees? It’s true, but in many cases it’s up to the employee to express interest and initiate the conversation. Make it a priority to obtain the skills you need to remove the barriers standing between you and your career goals!

Friday, September 18, 2015

What’s coming between you and the job of your dreams?

You’ve been job searching for a while now and nothing is turning up. Is it just the economy or is there some other reason employers are not interested? While there are many factors at play, it’s important to be real with yourself and carefully assess whether there is something—be it personal or professional—that is preventing you from getting hired.
From someone who has worked in the staffing business nearly 25 years, I can give you some helpful insights into areas that may be hindering you. There are five culprits that may be coming between you and your dream job:
·         Insufficient skills.
·         Poor interview preparation.
·         Weak resume.
·         No future potential.
·         Not checking out.
We at BMS, an IT staffing companies provide training to employees. In addition to valuable skills training, employees also gain on-the-job experience with the top company. If your job search is going nowhere due to five hiring barriers, maybe it’s time to give BMS a call. The right job could be right around the bend. With our companies support you may realize there is nothing that can come between you and the job of your dreams!  Interested candidates can submit their resume to